Bixby Canyon Bridge

by Death Cab For Cutie

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:26 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Narrow Stairs (2008)

Song Author

Ben Gibbard

Tabbed by

Carson Bryant (gnomieowns)


1st → Chris
2nd → Ben Vox
3rd → Ben
4th → Jason
5th → Nick
6th → Outro Overdub 2
7th → Outro Overdub 1

File Size

106 KB




I de-scen-ded a dus-ty gra-vel ridge Be-neath the Bix-by Can-yon Bri-idge Un-til I e-ven-tual-ly a-rrived At the place where your soul had died Bare-foot in the shal-low creek I grabbed some stones from un-der-ne-eath And wai-ted for you to speak to me And the si-lence, it be-came so ver-ry clear That you had long a-go dis-ap-pe-eared I cursed my-self for being sur-prised That this did-n't play like it did in my mind All the way from San Fran-cis-co As I chased the end of your road 'Cause I've still got miles to go I want to know my fate if I keep up this wa-ay It's hard to want to stay a-wa-aa-ake When ev-'ry-one you meet they all seem to be a-sle-eep You won-der if you're mis-sing your dre-eam You can't see-ee your dream You can't see-ee your dream You just can't see-ee-ee-e your dream Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam Dre-ee-eam and Then it star-ted get-ting dark I trudged back to where the car was par-ked No clo-ser to an-y kind of truth As I must as-sume was the case with you


One of the best songs ever (IMO) by this band. This is a rough translation from the album version, but there are plenty of live versions on YouTube. One good example in the studio: The title of it is "Death Cab for Cutie-Bixby Canyon Bridge (Live From Seattle)" incase that link ceases to work. Bear with the vocals and tremolo picking. Also, I got kinda lazy on the end "dream" part because they really improvise (esp. the drummer Jason), so take it for what it's worth and add your spin onto it.